Update on May 03, 2020: This plugin is now a part of Oxy Toolbox. You might want to buy that plugin instead.
This plugin lets you rename and remove unused classes in Oxygen.
- Rename classes throughout the site across all Pages/Templates etc. without manually removing the class, adding a new class and re-adding all the properties.
- Scan for and delete all the unused classes sitewide i.e., classes that have not been assigned to any elements.
Video Overview
How to launch
In the Oxygen editor, go to Manage > Selectors and click the c icon added by the plugin.

Renaming classes
Enter the name of the class you wish to change sitewide in the left box and the new class name in the right box and press Rename button.
Do NOT prefix the class names with a dot.

Oxy Cleaner will check all the pages/templates throughout the site looking for references to your existing class name and then replace all of them with the new class name that you specified.
Important: You must press Save for this to action to be completed.
Cleaning unused classes
Let’s say you add a class called button-red
to a Button component. You then decided that that is not quite the class you wanted to create or set for that element. You can un-assign that class from the component by pressing the x icon. This will only remove the class from the component but the class definition will continue to remain in Oxygen.
An unused class is a class that has not been applied to any element.
To scan, locate and delete one or more or all such unused classes simply click the “Scan For Un-Used Classes” button.
Oxy Cleaner will scan the entire site and list the unused classes.

Once the results appear in the list, you can select individual classes by ctrl/cmd clicking or all of them by pressing ctrl/cmd + a and hitting the “Delete Selected” button.
Note: Oxy Cleaner does not clean unused selectors directly added in the Selectors panel at Manage > Selectors yet.
What is the nature of the license?
The plugin is GPL and can be used on any number of your or your client sites with lifetime updates and support.
How do I install the plugin?
- Click on the download link in your purchase confirmation email if you have not already downloaded it after your purchase.
- Download the plugin’s zip file.
- Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress admin. Click “Add New” button, then “Upload Plugin” button, then “Choose File”, browse to and select the plugin’s zip file.
- Activate the plugin.
- Enter the license key and activate your plugin license at Oxy Plugins > Oxy Cleaner.
A valid license key must be entered for the plugin to work and to receive automatic updates.
Change Log
1.0.6 – December 16, 2025
- Fixed used classes being detected as un-used.
1.0.5 – February 09, 2024
- Implemented a settings tab so users can specify certain post types to be ignored. This fixes long scanning time issues.
1.0.4 – November 06, 2023
- Fixed the issue with corrupt data on class rename.
1.0.3 – March 01, 2023
- Fixed the issue with class renaming working only on the current post.
1.0.2 – June 13, 2022
- Updated CSS for Oxygen 4.0.
1.0.1 – April 08, 2020
- Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with our upcoming Oxy Undo plugin.
- Enhancement: Added steps to license the plugin in the settings page.
1.0 – April 02, 2020
- Initial Release.